Development of new therapeutic solutions for patients suffering from pathologies of the digestive tract

Starting year: 2012


  • Biotechnology

Funding: 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development of the European Union - Health
Duration: 2012-2016

The SADEL consortium intends to develop the first generation of oral bio-therapeutics tackling disease targets in the digestive tract by making optimal use of the Nanofitin (Nf) protein scaffold. The project is designed to address unmet technical challenges while avoiding external risks beyond those related to the scaffold behaviour itself, the aim being to produce affordable, safe, efficient drugs in a convenient format and make treatment prescriptions easy to follow. It will also assess the therapeutic potential of the Nanofitin platform.


  • Affilogic, France
  • ELAN, Ireland
  • IBD, France
  • University of Geneva, Switzerland
  • Fleming Research Institute, Greece
  • ECCO, Austria
  • IBET, Portugal
  • Genibet, Portugal
  • Innovhub SSI, Italy

Contact person:

Ilaria Bonetti

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