NEWGASMET - Flow metering of renewable gases

Verification and harmonization of non-conventional gas flow measurement systems

Starting year: 2019


  • Fuels

Funding: EMPIR (EU)
Duration: 2019-2022

In the near future, European policies to increase energy consumption from renewable sources (methane/hydrogen mixtures, biogas, biomethane, syngas, etc.) will have a significant impact on the European gas infrastructure. For the fairness of commercial transactions, both operators involved in the gas supply business and consumers expect a flow measurement accuracy level similar to that of natural gas. Commercially available gas meters are subject to the EU Measuring Instruments Directive (MID), but compliance is based on measurements of natural gas only.

The overall objective of the project is to test the behaviour of commercially available gas meters when exposed to renewable gases. The devices will be evaluated in the typical fields of use of each gas to study its effects on measurement accuracy, operating costs and durability. The following step will be the development of traceable methods for the type testing and verification of flow meters intended for measurement of renewable gas flows in compliance with the requirements of the 2014/32/EU Measuring Instruments Directive. This project should provide input to several standardisation organisations possibly helping them to make a step forward on the path of harmonization in the field of gas flow measurement and contribute to strengthening confidence in the accuracy of consumption billing within the European energy market.


  • LNE - Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d’Essais, France
  • LNE-LADG - Laboratoire Associé de Débitmétrie Gazeuse, France
  • CMI - Czech Metrology Institute, Czech Republic
  • FORCE Technology, Denmark
  • PTB - Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany
  • VSL, Netherlands
  • Elster GmbH, Germany
  • Enagas S.A., Spain
  • Fundación para el Desarrollo de las Nuevas Tecnologías del Hidrógeno en Aragón, Spain
  • GRT Gaz, France
  • Innovhub SSI, Italy
  • Itron GmbH, Germany
  • Metersit Srl, Italy
  • SICK Engineering GmbH, Germany

Contact person:

Gabriele Migliavacca

More details